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Dr. Drew & The Drug Czar Join Forces to Scare Parents About Marijuana Legalization

Submitted by smorgan on
As a teenager I used to listen to Dr. Drew's Loveline radio show every night. I learned a lot about sex and drugs that I was better off hearing on the radio than finding out the hard way and I'll always be grateful for that. But I gotta say, I liked Dr. Drew a lot better when he was co-hosting with Adam Carolla, as opposed to the, um, drug czar.

This live web chat is so painfully boring and redundant you can guess where I found the link. But at least they had the guts to sort of vaguely pretend to respond to a marijuana legalization question:

shortpumppreppy: There is so much public buzz in favor of the legalization of marijuana, how can I keep my teens from being swayed?

Director Kerlikowske: I think that the biggest influence on young people is often the parents or the caregiver in the house. If they stress the risks and dangers of drugs, regardless of what the discussion in the media might be about marijuana being legalized, they will have more influence than what happens on a news report that night. The marijuana today has a very high content of THC, which is the psychoactive component in marijuana, and it can have very serious effects on adolescents. The research on this is very clear.

Dr. Drew: Once again the Director and I agree. Not only that, but addiction to cannabis is probably the most common one I deal with today. Make no mistake about it. In addition, I would urge parents to ask their children to move away from the idea that there are "good" drugs and "bad" drugs; let the legal process do that.

Let the what? Yeah, who needs doctors anyway when we can let lawyers tell us what drugs we need. I agree that it's dumb for parents to lump all drugs into one of two extreme categories. But it's even dumber when the government does that.

Maybe Dr. Drew is hinting at the idea that the harms of drugs are circumstantial rather than purely pharmacological, which would be a valid observation. If he'd actually said that, it would've been his most interesting and helpful contribution to the entire conversation. But it also would have confused the living hell out of the drug czar, whose appalling cluelessness about drugs is probably the reason Dr. Drew was brought in to begin with.

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